
Briefing pack

A customized briefing pack in PDF format can be obtained for each route. The syntax is as follows:

HTTP GET to<routeid>/briefing?<item_1>[&<item_n>]

The parameters denote the briefing pack components that are requested. Possible values include:

  1. navlog
    Navigation log, also known as “PLOG”.
  2. wb
    Mass & Balance calculation.
  3. distances
    Takeoff and landing distances.
  4. climb
    Climb data including graph.
  5. descent
    Descent data including graph.
  6. metartaf
    Route METAR/TAF information including map.
  7. gramet
    GRAMET vertical weather forecast.
  8. isobaric
    Horizontal weather forecast for MSL.
  9. skewt
    Predicted Skew-T diagrams.
  10. raobs
    Radiosonde Skew-T diagrams (balloon ascents).
  11. sigwx
    Significant weather chart.
  12. mslp
    MSLP weather forecast plates.
  13. temsi
    French TEMSI for Europe and France if the route applies.
  14. atcbriefing
    ATC related information such as flight plan addressing and FIRs crossed.
  15. notam
    NOTAM briefing including graphical overview.
  16. milbulletin
    Military bulletins about airspace reservations in certain countries.
  17. icaofpl
    ICAO flight plan form.
  18. raim
    Receiver Autonomous Integration Monitoring forecast from AUGUR, predicting GPS coverage issues.
  19. atcharges
    ATC enroute charge information if applicable.

The briefing pack will be returned as PDF. This can take several minutes, depending on the options selected and the complexity of the route. Make sure to adjust your HTTP stack’s timeout values accordingly.

If the route was updated to include references to alternate routes, the briefing pack’s navlog and GRAMET will include them as well.

Non blocking interface

Alternatively, there is a non blocking interface to obtain a briefing pack invoked via

HTTP POST to<routeid>/briefing

With the following HTTP POST parameters:

  • method
    Set to either “download” or “email”. In the email case, the pack will be sent to the current user’s email account once completed. In the download case, the call will return a token which can be used to poll for the briefing pack and download it.
  • items
    JSON array containing the briefing pack item names as listed above.

Once requesting a non blocking download, you can query for the finished briefing pack by using the token returned and the following call:

HTTP GET to<routeid>/briefing/<token>[?poll]

This call either returns 404 if the briefing pack is not (yet) available or 200 when the briefing pack is available. If the parameter poll is given, the briefing pack is not returned, only the status. It can then be obtained by calling again without the poll parameter.


You can request a separate GRAMET as a single PDF file by issuing

HTTP GET to<fpl>

The parameter fpl is the flight plan in ICAO format. Alternatively you can pass a list of waypoints with the following invocation format:

HTTP GET to<wpts>&altitude=<alt>&departuretime=<timestamp>&totaleet=<seconds>

The waypoints are given as a space separated string with designated points, airport ICAO IDs, navaid names. departuretime is given in seconds since the Unix epoch and totaleet specifies the length of the flight in seconds.