FPAL related functions

The Flight Plan Addressing Language (FPAL) is a standard to express rules how a flight plan should be addressed depending on its content. A description of FPAL is available here.

Retrieve FPAL document list

The current list of FPAL documents can be retrieved by issuing

HTTP GET to /api/flightplan/fpal

A JSON structure with the documents will be returned:

      "id": "eb",
      "size": 204,
      "modified": 1399187573
      "id": "ed",
      "size": 4867,
      "modified": 1399187573

Each document is identified by its id and the document size in bytes and the timestamp of the last modification (seconds since Unix epoch) is passed.

Retrieve FPAL document

A document can be retrieved by its ID using the following call:

HTTP GET to /api/flightplan/fpal/<document id>

The document will be returned with content type text/plain.

Retrieve all FPAL documents

With this call, you can retrieve all FPAL documents at once in one transmission.

HTTP GET to /api/flightplan/fpal/all

At the top of the document, the timestamp of the last modified document is returned:

# FPAL all documents, last modified 1399187573

For each document in the transmission, a header with the document ID and modification date is given:

# Document id: ed, last modified 1399187573

 Validate an FPAL document

To help you write your own FPAL documents, the API provides a validation method. Send your document in the body of the request to

HTTP PUT to /api/flightplan/fpal/validate

You will then receive an output like this:

Verifying flight plan addressing file /tmp/fpalvalidateASdkje
0 errors, 0 warnings, 16 rules
Summary: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 32 rules