
autorouter has its own navigation data (navdata), compiled from several sources.

Airport lookup

There are several variants for airport lookup. To perform an exact match on the ICAO identifier, use the following invocation:

HTTP GET to<icao>

The result will be a JSON string with airport information.

   "type": "airport",          // type of navdata element
   "internalid": 18020, 
   "id": "EDDS",               // ICAO identifier
   "text": "EDDS - Stuttgart", // human readable identifier
   "lon": 9.2219656705856,     // longitude of ARP
   "lat": 48.689877390862,     // latitude of ARP
   "mil": false,               // military airport flag
   "depifr": true,             // IFR departure available flag
   "arrifr": true,             // IFR arrival available flag
   "sids": [                   // list of SIDs
         "ident": "ABTAL4B",   // identifier of SID
         "id": "abf5be30-e553-4c19-8ffd-d7cb79a116be" // ADR ID
         "ident": "ABTAL4H",
         "id": "32fb7e63-b05d-45b8-8ee3-80df86653b52"
   "stars": [                  // list of STARs
         "ident": "BADSO2A",
         "id": "7f416297-a3a2-4acf-b56f-a61633ba4bd5"

To perform a broader match on a search string (either ICAO ID or name), use the following variant:

HTTP GET to<searchstring>

You will receive an array of matches, each element with the same information returned as in the above example.

To get a list of all airports in a rectangular area defined by the north west and south east corner, use the following invocation:

HTTP GET to<latnw>/<lonnw>/<latse>/<lonse>

As with the variant above, an array of matches will be returned.